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GeoTrust True BusinessID EV Multi-Domain Flexi SSL

GeoTrust True BusinessID EV Multi-Domain (SAN/UCC) Certificates Description GeoTrust

Enterprise-grade GeoTrust SSL certificate with Multi-Domain support, featuring the green address bar on all of them.

GeoTrust's most trustworthy SSL certificate, True BusinessID EV, is now upgraded with the added bonus of being able to secure multiple domain names in one go. Showcase your green address bar on every domain you add, and secure them all with contemporary high-grade 256-bit encryption. This is the perfect choice for any business, school, or entity that might need to have the highest level of authentication present and accounted for, as well as comprehensive multi-domain support.

Step 1 How many Years?
Step 2How many Domains?
Total Domains Secured
$113.40 Per Year
Final StepTotal Price Summary
Total Due Today: $125.58

Your Savings: $342.42
To ensure the most up-to-date security that meets the latest browser requirements, when you purchase multiple years, you'll need to re-issue your certificate (at no cost to you) once per year.
Upto 30 Days added on for Free when you renew with SSLTrust
  • Validation Type: Extended Business
  • Server Licensing: Unlimited
  • Issuance: 1-2 Days
  • Reissues: Unlimited
  • Warranty: $1,500,000
  • Secures: 1 - 250 Domains
  • Site Seal: Included
  • Instant Issuance: Available
  • Refund Policy: 30 Days
  • Free Duplication (Multiple CSR/Keys): Unlimited
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Selecting a multi-domain ssl

Secure multiple domains with GeoTrust's True BusinessID EV SSL certificate, starting today

SSL certificates come in all shapes and sizes, though few are quite as comprehensive and all-encompassing as GeoTrust's top-end EV Multi-Domain certificate: the True BusinessID with EV lineup.

Namely, True BusinessID with EV Multi-Domain support offers up-to-date security, stellar customer confidence features for your website (such as a Site Seal and the green address bar), and more - all via just one SSL certificate solution. Since it's provided by a world-class Certificate Authority such as GeoTrust, too, you can rest assured that this SSL certificate properly deals with all possible avenues of malicious behavior.

In effect, True BusinessID with EV Multi-Domain support is the security kick-off you might have been waiting for as a business owner. Neither browser compatibility nor Multi-Domain coverage will be a concern here, and all aggregate data will be encrypted according to the contemporary encryption spec for the duration of the certificate lifetime.

What makes True Business ID with EV Multi-Domain especially interesting, however, is specifically its support for Multi-Domain setups. A growing number of businesses need multiple servers and/or domains to support all of their comprehensive services, and using just one certificate to cover any additional domains you might end up getting is a huge boon in this case.

If you, too, are looking at a wide variety of SSL certificates and can't choose which to get, GeoTrust's True BusinessID with EV Multi-Domain coverage may well be the way to go. Best of all, this EV certificate won't break the bank, as it is cheaper than many competing SSL certificates in this particular niche.

The pinnacle of GeoTrust SSL certificates, now with Multi-Domain features

GeoTrust True BusinessID EV with multi-domain support makes it possible to have your cake and eat it, too. This same certificate has the ability to compile aggregate data and encrypt it across all of your domains, and will apply authoritative Extended Validation security at the same time.

Maybe you have your blog on a different subdomain, your mail server on a different domain, or multiple frontends set up under different domains or TLDs. Whatever the case may be, this True BusinessID with EV Multi-Domain support will easily secure them all in one go.

Domain Validation is rarely good enough for large businesses, educational institutions, and global services. GeoTrust True Business ID certificates offer the right ratio of quality and pricing in these cases. Especially if you're a value-oriented webmaster in the first place.

Protect your brand from phishing attacks, identity thieves, and doppelganger websites

The internet is full of shady practices, so it's a given that you would need to stand out and reassure your visitors that you, your branding, and your services are trustworthy and reliable.

One of the main draws of using an SSL/TLS certificate on this level is to protect your identity. If you're offering a globally-relevant product, service, or just find yourself at the forefront of your particular industry and/or niche, you absolutely need to invest in copycat protection and identity verification.

This is where the green address bar that this SSL provides comes in handy. Other Certificates can show a lock icon to say they are secure, but this True BusinessID Extended Validation SSL goes one step further and turns your visitor’s browser address bar green. Only an Extended Validation SSL can do this. It shows that your business, school, or legal entity is verified by GeoTrust, and cannot be mistaken for a doppelganger of any sort.

Featuring various key trust indicators to show your visitors

Alongside the aforementioned green address bar, another crucial trust indicator you'll get to enjoy with this SSL certificate is the GeoTrust Site Seal. Site Seal graphics are one of the fastest ways for you to let your visitors know that you've got top-notch security in place.

It's worth keeping in mind that a Site Seal - and the details included in it - cannot be spoofed and/or falsified. This makes them the perfect trust indicator for virtually every webmaster looking to instill confidence in their service.

With a Site Seal and the green address bar, then, you have the highest level of trustworthiness. This, of course, comes on top of the SSL's key features, such as the ability to secure up to 250 domains. You can secure different subdomains, different domain names, or different TLDs, and incorporate the aforementioned Site Seal on all of them, all at once.

Easy to get, use, and maintain - across the board

The ability to secure multiple domains with just one top-notch EV certificate is great, but that's not all you're getting with this certificate. Once you have your new GeoTrust True BusinessID Extended Validation SSL Certificate installed, you can update, edit or remove any domain for the secured domain list, at any time and with unlimited server licenses and re-issues.

The extended validation of your business usually takes between 1-10 business days, so it pays off to be sure that all of your business details are up to date in any local business registry or directory. If additional documentation is required at any point (i.e. to verify your legal entity) then you will be contacted by GeoTrust, requesting what they need to complete the process.

Secure all your websites, mail servers, intranets, FTP servers, and more with a single SSL. Save on costs and time, from the certificate signing request all the way to long-term support functionality.

Extremely high warranty packages and other boons

Once your order is complete, your branding and website will both be backed by GeoTrust themselves across unlimited server licenses, along with their $1,500,000 warranty. GeoTrust is one of the most recognizable and sought-after brands to be aligned with online. People will want to deal with you because they will know for a fact that you are verified by GeoTrust, indicating the extended validation rating of your business.

If you get your GeoTrust certificate via SSLTrust specifically, however, you will also get to enjoy access to a comprehensive support service with an Australian crew of web security experts. This means you will never be left to worry about any part of using your security package.

Product NameGeoTrust TrueBusinessID Extended Validation Flexi Multi-Domain
AlgorithmSHA-2 Enabled
Validation TypeExtended Business Identity Validation
Issuance Time1-2 Business Days
Domains +
Number of Domains Secured1 - 250
Allows Additional Domains (SAN)Yes
Server LicensesUnlimited Server Licenses
Key CryptographyRSA or ECC
Minimum Key Size2048-bit (RSA), 233-bit (ECC)
SSL/TLS Encryption256-bit Encryption
Trust IndicatorsHTTPS Browser Padlock
Green Address BarYes ( in supported browsers )
Mobile & Smartphone SupportYes
Browser compatibility99%
Client OS CompatibilityHigh
Included Malware ScanNo
Includes Trust SealYes ( Embedded Organisation name/date/time )
SSL ReissuanceUnlimited and Free
Duplication ( Multiple Keys )Unlimited and Free
Refund Policy30 Days

SSLTrust support is first rate. They assisted me with each issue I faced from the start of ordering a code-signing certificate through to actually receiving the certificate. I couldn't have hoped for more prompt support. I wish there were more Australian IT companies, and that have this level of care for their customers. Highly recommend to anyone needing such services.

3 months ago

We've been using SSLTrust for a few years now and it's been such a pleasant experience.We have a pretty unique setup and we need help from customer service every so often for our multiple certificates. Paul has been extremely helpful and responsive.I highly recommend their services!

8 months ago